【台灣醒報記者莊瑞萌綜合報導】牛津大學最近一項研究發現,英國7歲以上的學童,有許多在Omega-3脂肪酸的攝取量攝取不足,研究者指出,學童Omega-3 DHA足夠與否會影響閱讀能力。調查中還發現,近1成英國兒童飲食中從未吃過魚類等富含Omega-3脂肪酸食物,身體與智力發展堪虞。
魚類及海鮮含有Omega-3脂肪酸EPA和DHA不飽和脂肪酸,對腦部發育、心臟及免疫系統相當關鍵,牛津大學觀察493位7歲到9歲閱讀能力在中低以下的英國學童,發現學童血液裡DHA比例低於2%, EPA僅0.5%,長鏈多不飽和脂肪酸加總則為2.45%,這些數據都遠低於成人保持心血管健康最低建議值的4%水準。
本次研究結果刊登在《PLOS One》期刊。
圖說:牛津大學研究發現,Omega-3脂肪酸不足,會影響學童閱讀能力。(photo by DennisSylvesterHurd on Flickr- - used under Creative Commons license)
Researchers at the University of Oxford have found that a child’s blood levels of long-chain Omega-3 DHA can significantly predict how well heorshe is able to concentrate and learn. The study, published in the journal PLOS One, is one of the first to evaluate blood Omega-3 levels in UK schoolchildren.
“From a sample of nearly 500 schoolchildren, we found that levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the blood significantly predicted a child’s behavior and ability to learn,” said co-author Paul Montgomery, Ph.D., from Oxford University’s Centre for Evidence-Based Intervention in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention.
“Higher levels of Omega-3 in the blood, and DHA in particular, were associated with better reading and memory, as well as with fewer behavior problems as rated by parents and teachers,” he said.
For the study, blood samples were taken from 493 schoolchildren, between the ages of seven and nine. All of the children were thought to have below-average reading skills, based on national assessments at the age of sevenortheir teachers’ current judgments.
Analyses of their blood samples revealed that, on average, just under two per cent of the children’s total blood fatty acids were Omega-3 DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and 0.5 percent were Omega-3 EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), with a total of 2.45 percent for these long-chain Omega-3 combined. This is below the minimum of 4 percent recommended by leading scientists, with 8-12 percent regarded as optimal, the researchers reported.
Parents also reported their child’s diet, revealing to the researchers that almost nine out of ten children in the sample ate fish less than twice a week, and nearly one in ten never ate fish at all.
“’The longer term health implications of such low blood Omega-3 levels in children obviously can’t be known,” said co-author Dr Alex Richardson.
“But this study suggests that many, if not most UK children, probably aren’t getting enough of the long-chain Omega-3 we all need for a healthy brain, heart and immune system.”